Seed Products
We offer quality lawn seed blended specifically for the PNW.

Seed and Patch Repair Products

Sod Starter Kit


Sunny Blend


Sun & Shade Blend


Dense Shade Blend


Tall Fescue Seed


JB Intelligent Lawn Repair


Turfmend Tall Fescue


Turfmend Sun and Shade


Turfmend Sunny


Looking for Sod?



Over-seed your lawn, and re-seed thin spots with JB Selected Premium lawn seed. Overseeding helps thicken your lawn and helps keep weeds from taking hold. This is especially important in the spring and the fall to keep your lawn healthy year-around (For best results seed April-October). Preparation: Mow your lawn as short as possible. You want the best ‘seed to soil’ contact that you can get. Rake out all loose vegetation to expose the soil. By good raking you can break the surface of the exposed soil. Spread starter fertilizer following manufacturer’s directions. We do not suggest using a weed & feed fertilizer when over-seeding your lawn. Over-seeding: Using a spreader, spread seed evenly over the prepared area at the rate of 4-5 lbs. per 1000 sq. feet. Put a little extra seed on any bare spots. Spread a very thin layer of peat moss, and roll to firm the seed to soil contact. Water: It is important to keep a seeded area moist at all times, as the seed establishes, without over-watering. Fertilize: Use a starter fertilizer in establishing the over-seeded area. Then, as it establishes, fertilize in your normal pattern, typically 3 to 5 times per year.


Seeding A New Lawn Soil Preperation : (The more effort you put into preparing your lawn the better your lawn will perform. There are no shortcuts to a healthy lawn.)  For best results seed April-October.  Remove all existing, rocks and weeds. Rototill to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Add topsoil….typically 4 to 6 inches, compost or other soil amendments, then rototill again.4 to 6 inches is the recommended minimum for the top layer of soil for the seed bed. Level and roll the area to a smooth grade. Spread starter fertilizer, following the manufacturer’s directions. We do not suggest using weed & feed type fertilizer when seeding a new lawn. Apply lime at a rate of 50 lbs. per 500 sq. feet. Landscape rakes, rollers and fertilizer spreaders are often available at rental outlets. You are now ready to seed your lawn. Seeding : Using a spreader, spread seed evenly over the prepared lawn area at the rate of 6-7lbs. 1000 sq. feet. Lightly rake the seeds into the soil to a depth of 1/8”. Roll the area with a 1/3–½ filled water roller, and cover with a protective light layer of peat moss. Water: A good rule of thumb is to water 1” immediately. ( You can measure this 1” of water by putting a small .ie tuna can on the ground) The time it takes to get an inch of water in the can, is the amount of time it takes to moisten your soil to a depth of 6-8”. Itis important to keep a seeded area moist at all times without over-watering. After 5-10 weeks, your seeded lawn should be ready for a normal watering schedule of 1” per week. You can break this down into two watering. Fertilize: Fertilize your new lawn 30 days after planting, and every 4 – 6 weeks during the growing season of February to November. Avoid fertilizing Tall Fescue during the heat of summer.